Home FAQ

Below are answers to some questions you might have:

This phase is broken up into 4 sections. You decide to go at your own pace. If you were to watch all the videos in one setting it would take approximately 35 minutes total.

Yes. There is a quiz in each section to help you gage how you are doing.


They have access to the videos and quiz questions, as I believe parents should have the right to know what material is being taught to their children and decide whether it is age appropriate or not.

The Anger Management Class is provided in English but many students have successfully used Google’s free translation tool available at https://translate.google.com

Yes. You and your parents decide the speed you choose to advance. However, the system is programmed to send out reminders when there has been inactivity and when you do not complete a particular section.

The Anger Management course only costs $25, that’s all. There are no hidden fees.

The 4 Personality Types course can also be purchased online for only $25. Students who successfully complete the Anger Management and 4 Personality Types courses will be given access to a bonus video of the 4 Personalities Compared for FREE.

Yes. The course is very simple and user friendly, you do not need to have special computer skills to click on the videos and download resources.

As little or as long as you like. Ideally, you can take a section a week (under 10 minutes) and finish the course in 4 weeks. You can continue to review these tips and techniques as refreshers. You can move on to other courses I offer and resources that will help expand your knowledge and management skills.
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No. This course is not. This is a condensed version of the court approved course I used to teach. This is intended to provide a quick overview and lay a foundation in a swift, concise and practical way

No. This will not provide you the number of hours needed to receive a valid and recognized certificate.